- Originally developed for aerospace and aviation applications, 303 repels harmful ultraviolet radiation and is really helpful in prolonging the lifetime of your raft.
- Don't forget to use this on the latex gaskets in your paddling apparel.
- Does not contain any harmful silicone oils, which can dry out and damage surfaces.
- Safe and effective for use on synthetic and natural rubbers, PVC, gel-coat, fiberglass, carbon fiber, plastics, finished leather and UV-sensitive plastics.
- 303 is a premium surface treatment that provides superior protection against harmful UV rays that can cause loss of mechanical properties such as: discoloration, fading, embrittlement, cracking and/or chalking. Treated surfaces repel dirt, soiling, staining, water spots, salt water and mildew.
- Easy to use - just spray on and wipe dry!
- This is an environmentally safe water-based product that contains no petroleum distillates, alcohol, mineral oil or harmful silicone oils. It's non-toxic and biodegradable.